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on October 27, 2006 at 9:22:27 am

Welcome to our UCLA 245 "Information Access" wiki on reference services.



We will be creating online content for the pages listed below under "Wiki Information"--click on "Show All Pages". Our overarching mission is to establish generally accepted reference principles (GARP). Ideally, these pages will provide a sense of evidence and show a critical spirit of inquiry.


In terms of scope, reference service should be understood to include traditional reference work in libraries (of all types) as well as state of the art efforts such as live, virtual (aka digital) reference. Most of the biographical names and concepts have been drawn from “The Current State of Research on Reference Transactions,” In Advances in Librarianship, vol. 26, pages 175-230, edited by Frederick C. Lynden (New York: Academic Press, 2002), a copy of which can be found on course reserve in the MIT Lab.


Treatment is not necessarily in depth, but entries will contain a minimum of 500 words. Nonetheless, basic concepts are defined and biographical information on major contributors to this field are provided. Entries for deceased individuals will strive to be evaluative, while entries for living individuals will be more factual. See the entries entitled "Researching Biographical Subjects" and "Researching Concepts" for more direction.


Inasmuch as this site should be authoritative, please be sure to use quotations, when appropriate. As for trustworthiness, all entries must be signed with your first, middle initial, and last name in bold, flush left, in upper and lower case, at the end. Do not include the word "By." Second and third authors/editors should be included as well.


Each page should conclude with full bibliographic citations in APA style to articles, books and other websites which will lead the reader to further, more detailed information about this topic in reference service. Special features include images, as appropriate, and cross references, as needed.


John V. Richardson Jr., Editor in Chief and Professor of Information Studies at UCLA

Debbie Weissmann, Co-Editor and Doctoral Student, UCLA Department of Information Studies



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